Our story


We are
Anna von Lipa

Since 1996, Anna von Lipa has collaborated with the oldest and most prominent glass blowers in Europe, designing and manufacturing luxurious free-blown glass art. The glasswork is proudly produced in Bohemia, Czech Republic, the glass empire of Central Europe.


The beginnings

It all began in 1990’s with a family trip to Prague that would forever change our path. We discovered that the beautiful green country of Czech Republic, located in the heart of Central Europe, offers more than just captivating sceneries and an interesting history. The country is also center stage for Europe’s most exquisite glass art, historically as well as today.


Back to home

Back home in the Danish town of Sorø, the trip to the Czech Republic became a milestone for me and an important asset to my lifestyle shops around the Danish Countryside. In these endeavors we presented our first collection of glasses, amongst a repertoire of modern interior design, vintage and handicrafts.



In the following years our collaboration with some of the best glassworks and leading designers in the Czech Republic continued to grow. We took over a historic barley farm in the Northern part of the country, in the very heart of the Glass Empire of Bohemia, and bought a small renown glass factory in the town of Novy Bor.



The years went by, slowly and steadily, as our children grew up in Sorø. It was not till 2013 that it became feasible for Christian and I to take the leap and follow the dream of moving permanently to the farm in Ceska Lipa, Czech Republic. We established Anna von Lipa, relying on my experience and great interest in Art Deco and vintage interior.


Present days

In the present day, it is a joy for us to see Anna von Lipa represented in most of Europe. Inspiration and idea development arise organically when we get to spend our days amongst the most talented glass artists. We use antique, traditional forms and patterns and add a Scandinavian twist to suit the modern tastes.



After all the years of hard work we decided to sell our brand ANNA VON LIPA to our main glass suppliers and producer and move to Spain, to our new house, and spend more time with our children, family and friends. After long business ship with Glasswork we are sure it was the right time for this decision and the factory has big potencial to continue in our vision of the brand.


New owner

New ownership gives the brand more opportunities to develop new techniques and support the brand ANNA VON LIPA in other countries outside of Europe. Jytte will continue to create new designs together with the factory and together with Christian they will stay with us in the future.


Our designers

Jytte Correll

Jytte Correll is the founder of Anna von Lipa and the main designer. She has been designing since she graduated from VIA University College Campus Herning in 1988 and has experience with running her own design-shop for more than a decade. She has developed a keen and personal sense of colours and shapes and is always a part of the production starting from the drawing-boards to the final execution by the experienced glassmakers.